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Il Cairo – La spettacolare parata dei faraoni

Cairo - A setting worthy of a Hollywood film of the golden years, when films on Ancient Egypt were the pinnacle of super productions. The streets of the Egyptian capital have been transformed into the set of a dream that has revived the ancient glories, with the parade of the mummies of 18 pharaohs and four queens, escorted by guards on horseback. The "Parade of the Golden Pharaohs" was followed in real time on various social media, by thousands of fans and admirers of the pyramid civilization, despite a sort of psychosis that had spread following the terrible train accident a few days ago. , the collapse of a building, and the crisis of the Suez Canal.

One misfortune after another that the most superstitious had related to the transfer of royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, on the south-eastern outskirts of Cairo. Everything went smoothly, in the great gold parade, despite the limitations due to the pandemic, which reduced the presence of the public to a minimum. In the parade, the mummies traveled in order of seniority, first the oldest, each aboard a wagon decorated in the style of the time. From Ramsete to Seti and Tuthmose to queens Nefertari and Amenhotep, broadcast on the official channel of the Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism. Several international guests, including the secretary general of the World Tourism Organization and the director general of Unesco.


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